Reevesville Cemetery
Johnson County, IL

Grave Site Alphabetical Listing

Burial Spaces
Plot Plan w/Names

2008 Article "1919 Unknown Hobo"

The Start of the Cemetery

Gang Member in Reevesville Cemetery


Prior to Interment

2001 Press Release

R-ville Hill

Reevesville Cemetery was established in 1865 when Samuel Cummins set aside approximately one acre, of his farm, for a cemetery when his two infant daughters were buried there. In 1941, approximately one more acre was purchased, bringing it to the current 2 (approx.) acres.

Cemetery trustees voted in 2001 to purchase stones to mark the known unmarked and temporarily marked graves. A total of 60 permanent granite markers were placed. Until this time, many graves have only been identified by temporary metal markers, which were easily subject to damage and loss of information. There remain several graves unmarked because they were not identifiable. Some are marked with natural stone, with no engravings. Since many of the graves date back to the late 1800's and early 1900's, dates and, in some cases, first names were not available for all of the new markers. If anyone has any information that may benefit this endeavor, please contact one of the comittee members.

Please submit ideas for improvements to any committee member.

Thanks for all of your donations for upkeep.


Committee: James Trout 524-5792, Bruce Cummins 638-4503, Shelly Stewart 638-4302, Barb Koneman 638-2012

Bob Koneman - Maintenance


Phyllis (Ozment) Gulati 

Kenneth & Rebecca Mathis

John & Janet Latham 

Betty Gale 

Wilma Smoot-Cooper 

Alexandra Shires Golon 

Troutt Reunion                                  $100.00

Mary Johnson Smith 

Glenda Wright Arrison 

In Memory of Ted Wolfe:                   100.00

Mary Lou Herrin

Bruce & Paula Cummins

In Memory of LeeRoy Stafford:       1265.00

Carol Pennington & Kathy Lane 

Teri Coscarelli 

Bobby & Debbie Travis 

Bob & Marleis Trover 

Richard & Aletha Boyd

Richard & Cynthia Webb 

James & Wanda Bazor 

Robby VanHook 

James & Glenna Collie 

Rev. Russell Miller & Doris 

James & Brenda Troutt 

Dave & Tiffney Stewart 

Max & Emma Hook 

Edna Walter 

Roy & Christina West 

Myrna Graves 

Richard & Sheila Reichert 

Henry & Frances Bullock 

Lonnie & Catherine Anne Hinton 

Linda Slone 

Kay Farris 

Faye Mize 

Dale & Frances Mittendorf 

Donna & Lawrence Kinkaide 

Vienna Times 

Robert Krug 

David Boyd 

Christophe Parks 

Larry & Sharon Hepburn 

Bruce & Paula Cummins 

John & Debra Gipson 

James & Sherry Taylor 

Shirley Wolfe 

Karen Whitney (memory of Paul) 

Reevesville Reunion                               35.00

Phil & Tony Dowd 

Farquar Estate Interest                            15.12 

TOTAL DONATIONS                        $2135.12


Mow & Upkeep Bob/Barb Koneman 4/9/18 $1000.00

Roundup 4/9/18                                                   62.50

Mole Chasers 5/8/18                                           21.00

Bob Koneman additional work 9/29/18            400.00

Gas/Repairs 9/28/18                                          200.00
                  TOTAL EXPENSES                   $1683.50

*Individual donation amounts are not posted but available upon request

We want to thank everyone for your continued support and donations. Without YOU it would not be possible to keep the cemetery maintained and improved. Please mail donations to any committee member below.

A special thanks to Bob Koneman for mowing and the extra work he does to keep it looking so nice.

Cemetery Committee:
Bruce Cummins
, 9 ChickSt, Metropolis, IL 618-638-4503
James Troutt
, 105 Oak Lane, Metropolis, 618-524-5792   
Barbara Koneman
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-2012
Shelly Stewart
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-4302


Rhonda Romines (Hazel Family) 

Betty Gale

Memory Bill Mathis:         $150.00

Bruce Cummins

Kenny & Rebecca Mathis

John &Janet Latham

Farquar Estate Trust: Jan 5    1.13

Apr 5                                      1.11

July 5                                     1.12

Oct 5                                      1.14

Randy Price, Don Price, Vicki Vonet,

and Lisa Howard

Fisher/Helm Reunion         $156.00

Ron & Joyce (Shaw) Taylor

Memory Don Choate & Kathleen Reeves

John & Mary Reilly           $200.00

James Troutt

LeeRoy Stafford

Troutt Reunion                  $488.00

Glenda Wright Arrison

Karen Whitney

Larry & Sharon Hepburn

James & Wanda Bazor

David & Anna Boyd

Marilyn Fowler


                     TOTAL Donations            $1948.50*

*Individual donation amounts are not posted but available upon request


Bob Koneman Mowing/ Upkeep 3/22/2017 $1000.00

Round up 4/11/2017                                            20.00

MoleChaser 5/9/2017                                          10.00

Bob Koneman 9/28/17                                      600.00

Tom Cut/Remove Tree 10/ /17                          200.00

                          TOTAL   EXPENSES:       $1,820.00

We want to thank everyone for your continued support and donations. Without YOU it would not be possible to keep the cemetery maintained and improved.

A special thanks to Bob Koneman for mowing and the extra work he does to keep it looking so nice.

Cemetery Committee:
Bruce Cummins
, 9 ChickSt, Metropolis, IL 618-638-4503
James Troutt
, 105 Oak Lane, Metropolis, 618-524-5792   
Barbara Koneman
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-2012
Shelly Stewart
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-4302
2016 Donations

Rhonda K Romines (Hazel)
Kenneth &Rebecca Mathis
Randy Price
Betty Gale
LeeRoy Stafford
Ted & Shirley Wolfe
Farquar Estate :                                 Jan 5            1.12
                                                           Apr 5          1.12
                                                            Jul 5           1.12
                                                            Oct 5          1.13
Ann Rottman
Memory of Billy Parks :                                     90.00
                Kent Bowman
Darrel & Deanna Bates
Marilyn Wright-Verkamman
Mr & Mrs Shawn Burkhart
Memory of Jeanne Mathis:                               400.00
                    Lois Foss
                    Amy & Christopher Mathis
                    Bruce & Paula Cummins
                    Carolyn Fulgham
                    Susie Henley
                    Tuffy & Brenda Troutt
                    Sherri & John Robertson
                    Larry & Sharon Hepburn
                    Dale & Frances Mittendorf
                    Joyce Taylor (Shaw)
Memory of Joan Dowd:
                    Richard & Aletha Boyd                  100.00
Memory of David Deel:
                Joyce Taylor (Shaw)                             25.00
Memory of Bonnie Johnson:
                Sandra Monahan                                  100.00
James Adams
Michael Vaughn
Tom & Glenda Arrison
Troutt Reunion:                                                    687.00
Philip Dowd
Tony Dowd
Karen Whitney                                                 ______________

                                  TOTAL DONATIONS     $2431.49

2016 Expense
Roundup                                                  $63.60
Reflectors                                                  12.00
Mowing & Maint:
Bob & Barb Konema 3/15/16                1000.00
Additional Maint & Gas                           600.00
Bob Koneman 9/24/16
Marshalls Tree Service 10/21/16            1900.00
Tree Removal

TOTAL EXPENSES                             $3575.60
                                                                                               Year to Date     ($1144.11)

We want to thank everyone for your continued support and donations. Without YOU it would not be possible to keep the cemetery maintained and improved.

A special thanks to Bob Koneman for mowing and the extra work he does to keep it looking so nice.

Cemetery Committee:
Bruce Cummins
, 9 ChickSt, Metropolis, IL 618-638-4503
James Troutt
, 105 Oak Lane, Metropolis, 618-524-5792   
Barbara Koneman
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-2012
Shelly Stewart
, Wright Lane, Grantsburg, IL 618-638-4302
2014 Donations

James & Brenda Troutt
Mary Hazel
Randy & Tricia Price
Kenneth & Rebecca Mathis
Richard & Ella Norris
Vaughn Reunion                                 265.00
Kathleen Crenshaw
Bill & Jeanne Mathis
Helen Tanner
Lee Roy Stafford
Sue I David Brenningmeyer
Galyn I Susan Rushing
Troutt Reunion                                     203.00
Glenda Wright Arrison
Karen Whitney
Memory of George Troutt:                $670.00
Richard! Aletba Boyd
Dury Razor Gillettre
Kevin I Carla Kinser
Gerald ISherion Tate
Kelly Sullivan
Ann I Elgie Rottman
Roxanne Walker
Paul I Cheryl Johnston
Mark Naes
Bobby I Debra Travis
Billie Jean Quint
Peggy Bacon
Glenda Wright Arrison
Louella Parks
Dennis I Janie Wilkey
Jimmy I Wanda Bazor
Memory of Bonnie Jaco-Johnson               $125.00
Ted & Shirley Wolfe
James I Bonnie Kerr
B.Maxine Johnson
Farquar Family Estate:
Jan 7
Apr 7
Oct 6 
Total Donations                                       $2200.61


Round Up: $25
Mowing/Bob: $1,000
Postage / Joan: $10
Additional Maint and Gas reimburse 9/24/14 (Koneman) $600.00
TOTAL $ 1635.00

Our sincerest thanks to everyone that have donated money and or time
to help maintain this cemetery and keep it looking nice. We couldn't do it without
your continued dedication.
Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Maintenance: Barb and Bob Koneman
Committee Members: James Troutt 618-524-5132
Shelly Stewart 618 638 4302
Bruce Cummins 618-524-5132
9 Chick St., Metropolis, IL 62960
2013 Donations

E.D. Bateman  
Memory of Donna
Hutchison Kean: $540.00
Phillip Huckelberry 
France Harris  
Belknap Methodist Church 
Vienna Grade School Friends  
Tony & Gayla Sander s 
Bonnie,Maxine,Brent Johnson 
Rosannea Pool  
Iva,Gene, Gary McHugh 
Dick,Ella,Janet,Roger Norris  
Jim & Joanne Adams,
Carol Shaya
Pat & Bob Richards
Don Adams
Sue Monahan
Tommy Adams  
James & Brenda Troutt 
Mary Hazel  
Wanda Elliott  
Betty Gale 
Billy & Jeanne Mathis  
Kenneth & Rebecca Mathis  
David & Sue Brenningmeyer  
Farquar Estate: 2/05/13 $8.10
5/6/13 $7.82
8/5/13 $8.09
11/05/13  $8.09
Karen Whitney memory of Son  
Kathleen Crenshaw  
Vaughn Reunion   $250.00
Melissa Shreves
Ted & Shirley 
Troutt Reunion  $ 550.00 
Tom & Glenda Arrison
Susie Stewart  
Lee Roy Stafford 
E.D. Bateman 

Mow & Maintenance $1000.00 - 5/01/13
Roundup 25.00
Additional Maintenance 400.00 - 8/01/13
Gas Reimbeursement 200.00 - 8/01/13


Note: We only list dollar amounts donated by groups, reunions, memorials, etc., electing not to list amounts donated by individuals. However, they are available upon request.

Mary Hazel $  
Bet ty Gale 
Randall Price  
Wanda Elliott 
Bill & Jeanne Mathis  
Kenny & Becky Mathis 
Fisher-Helm Reunion  
Ruth Shreeves  
Dick & Connie Mathis  
Trout Reunion  
James & Della C row 
Glenda Wright Arr ison 
Farquar Estate:
Karen Whitney: in memory of son,  Paul Whitney  

Total $ 1051.22


Mowing & Maintenance $1400.00
Roundup 25.00

Total $1425.00
Donations 2010

James & Brenda Troutt 
Memory of Harold Dowd
by Reevesville F riends 
Mr&Mrs Richard  Boyd 
Deloris Stratmeyer 
Bobby & Debra Travis  
Joe & Shelia Feig  
Lois &  Jr. Foss 
Duane&Jackie Wakefield  
Mary Ozment  
Rudolph Wright  
Ted & Shirley Wolfe  
Memory Butch  Fowler 
Mary Hazel & Family  
Farquar Family Trust Interest
" " " Feb. 8.09
" " " May 8.09
" " " Aug 8.09
" " " Nov 8.09
Wanda Elliott  
 Betty Gale 
Vaughn/Fisher Reunion  
Bill & Jeannie Mathis 
Mr & Mrs Keny Mathis  
Randy Price  
William & Melissa Shreves  
Donald Lee Shreves  
Ruth Shreves 
Dickie & Connie Mathis 
K M Crenshaw& M.A.Riley     
Dale & Jan Bateman 
Mr & Mrs Robe rt Wright 
Jerry & Mary (Johnson) Smith  
Christopher & Erin Troutt 
Tom & Glenda Arrison (Wright)  
Lois Marlman 
David & Sue Brenningmeyer  
Karen Whitney Memory of Paul  
Elizabeth Bateman  

Total 2010 Donations 1912.36

Feb 26, 2010 Display Case $ 200.00
April 6,2010 Bob: Upkeep $1000.00
April 7, 2010 Sams: Roundup$ 46.51
June 10, 2010 Postage Joan $ 20.00
June 17 Cement Stone Repair$ 18.82
Sept 27, Additional Maint Bob 400.00
Sept 27, Gas – Bob 100.00
Dec 30, Internet Records 50.00

Total 2010 Expenses 1835.33

Thanks to all of you for your donations for upkeep. Without you it would not be possible
Special Thanks to Bob & Barb Koneman for the Great Care!
Please submit ideas for improvements to any committee member.

2009 Donations
ComBank Int Farquar Estate

Kathy Reeves Crenshaw

Kenny & Becky Mathis

Bill & Jeanne Mathis

Randall Price & Family

Vaughn-Helm-Fisher Reunion

Betty Gale

Charles & Stella Cox

Illa Wieneke

Rudolf & Arlene Wright

Wanda Elliott

James & Brenda Troutt 

Elizabeth Bateman

Karen Whitney

Janie Hainline Wilkey

Troutt Reunion

Jennifer Rowlett

Christopher & Erin Troutt

Galen Rushing 

Joey Troutt 

Jerry & Mary Smith “Johnson” 

James & Della Crow

Tom &Glenda Arrison

David & Sue Brenningmeyer

Lee Roy Stafford

Total Donations: $1715
Total Expense: $1821

Thanks for all of your donations for upkeep.

Special Thanks to Bob & Barb Koneman for the Great Care!

2008 Donations

5/01 Wanda Elliott
Betty Gale
Helm / Fisher Reunion
Kathleen Crenshaw
Jewel Cougil 
Illa Mae Wieneke
Randall Price
Joyce Taylor
Bill, Jeannie, Kenny Mathis
Larry & Sharron Hepburn
LeeRoy Stafford
Roy, Christie West 
Christopher Mathis
Ted & Shirley Wolfe
Richard & Debbie Etheridge
Ruth Shreves
Paul & Lana Joliff
Joel Troutt
Larry & Sara Guess
Tom & Glenda Arrison
Sue & David Brenningmeyer            
Karen Whitney
Farquar  Dividend 
Thomas & Dawn Williams 

Total Donations = $1495.67      Total Expenses= $2064

2007 Donations

Marilyn Fowler
Kathy Reeves Choate Crenshaw
Wanda Elliott
Illa Mae Wieneke
Betty Gale
White Family
Joyce & Ron Taylor
Randal & Tricia Price
Fisher/Vaughn Reunion
Don Clarkson
Mem.of Ruby Choate Clarkson
Marilyn Partridge
Shreeves, Ruth, Donnie Jr, Janet, Bill, Melissa
LeeRoy Stafford
Farquar family
Bill & Jeanne Mathis
Trout Reunion
Mr & Mrs Virgil Grissom
Mr & Mrs Robert Wright
Howard & Janet Bateman
Tom & Glenda Arrison
Karen Whitney
Lois Marlman
Larry & Sharon Hepburn   

2006 Donations
Elizabeth Bateman
 Jimmy & Wanda Bazor
Donnie & Ruth Shreeeves
Wanda Elliott
Kathy Crenshaw
Charles & Stella Cox
Karen Whitney
Mary Lou Nelson
Fisher-Helm Reunion
Ella C. & Richard Norris
Kenneth Calabria Memorial
Bill & Nancy Gower
 Joe & Kim Quint
Terry & Kay Manley
Robert & Carole Pepler
Employees 1st Nat Bank Steelville
 James & Lorene Word
Betty Gale
Larry & Sharon Hepburn
 Bill & Jeannie Mathis
Randall Price
 Kenny Mathis
Walter Cougle - Mem of Jewell
Memory of Ray & Mildred Haynes
 Lee Roy Stafford
Bob Fisher Memorial
Mr & Mrs Dale Bateman

Letter to Funeral Homes

April 14, 2004

 From: Reevesville Cemetery Committee
            Joan Dowd 618-949-3385
James Troutt   618-524-5792
            Bruce Cummins 618-524-5132

 To:  Area Funeral Home Directors

 The above committee members would like to take this opportunity to request your assistance. We have posted a notice at the cemetery that one of us be contacted prior to interment. However, in the past, some family members have failed to do so and have taken it upon themselves to decide where someone is to be buried. Some have even instructed the burial to be placed other than where they had requested and received approval. The cemetery is now becoming quite full and several spaces have been reserved. Although we have record of the request, several plots have yet to be marked. In an effort to prevent conflicts, we ask you to assure a representative, of anyone requesting burial in the Reevesville Cemetery, has made proper arrangements with one of the committee.  Of course, this would exclude anyone with an existing headstone.  

 Also, we would like to take this opportunity to ask that any excess dirt, following a burial, be deposited in the clearing near, and east of, the circle drive. Rather than being piled, it would be helpful if the dirt could be somewhat spread. Some of the woods and boundaries are private property, on which we are not authorized to deposit residue.

Thank you,
Bruce Cummins
9 Chick St
Metropolis, IL 62960

Reevesville Cemetery Marks Graves
May 2001

 Permanent markers have been ordered to replace temporary markers for 57 graves at the Reevesville Cemetery. The stones will be placed, after engraving is completed, sometime this summer. Until this time, many graves have only been identified by temporary metal markers, which were easily subject to damage and loss of information. The new granite markers will permanently identify the graves with names and dates, when available. There remain several more graves that do not have names as to who may be buried in them. They are marked with natural stone, with no engravings. Since many of these graves date back to the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, dates and, in some cases, first names were not available for all of the new markers. If anyone has any information that may benefit this endeavor, please contact one of the committee members.

Thank you

James Troutt 618-524-5792
Joan Dowd 618-949-3385
Bruce Cummins 618-524-5132

Cc: The Vienna Times
       The Metropolis Planet

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